Monday, July 6, 2009

Duality, my name, your life

From nothing, there was something...

Why is this so hard to believe, what use does logic have in a world in which laws are something made by the mind? The true boundaries of reality in the universe have nothing to do with what humans think about now. Most people will won't believe this unless they have proof... Well here it is:

Within the last decade, scientists have only started to uncover what Chaotes knew from eons ago, duality. Finding existence from nothing, as we see with quantum mechanics. To understand this confusing branch of science, you must abandon your own logic about the world, because in the study of subatomic particles, particles 1/1000000 of a nanometer(most likely even smaller) appear from oblivion. If we had a microscope powerful enough, we could see particles just coming in and out of existence. 

This applies with everything that you will learn in the near future, the price of eternal life is eternal warfare. Only with death can life be reborn. This, you could say, is just quantum mechanics on a much larger scale. The wisest man in the world, was once the stupidest, but learned from his mistakes in the past to make the better in the future. Duality is one of the most important principles if Chaos magick. If you're still reading this, and you're still interested, you've got some potential for the upcoming posts. Sooner or later, you might be able to start bringing the dead back to life, with the same principle of duality.

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